Our code of conduct forms the basis of corporate social responsibility at Burg Group. This document is a translation of our corporate values into guidelines for our daily work. All employees of Burg Group know the content of our code of conduct and follow it.
Code of conduct of Burg Group
The four guidelines reflect our corporate values and are inspired by the principles of the United Nations and Global Compact. The four guidelines are:
- We comply with legislation and regulations.
- We guarantee safe products, processes and work environments.
- We respect each other and the environment.
- We do fair business.
Read the code of conduct of Burg Group here.
Supplier requirements
Besides being a guide for the internal organization, the code of conduct also forms the basis for defining expectations of external parties. We thus increase the effect of our efforts in the field of corporate social responsibility. Our code of conduct refers to the internationally recognized principles of the United Nations and Global Compact. In this way, we want to contribute both directly and indirectly to improved living and working conditions, food safety and a healthier diet, less environmental impact and fair trading practices.
Read the code of conduct for suppliers here.