We believe in a Green Algae remover based on natural vinegar to prepare the garden for summer after the wet winter months. Our Green Algae remover based on natural vinegar effectively removes weeds and green deposits. In 2019, food-grade natural vinegar (up to 10% acetic acid) was included in Appendix 1 (low risk active substances) of the Biocides Regulation.
In 2021, Burg Group’s natural vinegar was approved as a Green Algae remover by the European authorities. Various European countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and France, are therefore positive about marketing this Green Algae remover. They have decided that the use of natural vinegar is not harmful for people and the planet.
RIVM has also studied the risks of using vinegar in the garden. The results show that the sensible use of natural vinegar as sold in supermarkets (with a maximum concentration of acetic acid of 10%) does not cause significant risks for people and the planet.
The situation is different when consumers use acetic acid solutions with a high concentration (sometimes up to 80% acetic acid). The RIVM report devotes a lot of attention to this. However, for natural vinegar, with a maximum 10% of acetic acid, the risks are low to not present.
Regarding the effects on public health, this was naturally to be expected. Natural vinegar has obviously been safely consumed as food for decades. And if cleaning vinegar is safe for use in the home, it is unlikely to suddenly constitute a risk outdoors.
For the environment, it is important that vinegar biodegrades rapidly in the soil (around 90% within 48 hours) and does not lead to concentrations in the ground water above the legal standards.
Vinegar against weeds
Natural vinegar effectively removes weeds and green deposits. It is a natural product that is safe to use, and which quickly biodegrades. In January 2021, the European Union approved the use of natural vinegar as a raw material. This means that no permission is required for the private use of natural vinegar to tackle weeds on pavements, patios, paths and in borders.
The Dutch Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) recognizes natural vinegar as a basic substance for the Dutch market. This concerns the local application of food-grade natural vinegar (maximum 6%). This approval means that no risks are expected for people and the planet. Natural vinegar up to a concentration of 10% is also designated as ‘low risk’ active substance.
Partly driven by the need to phase out synthetic substances like glyphosate, in recent years there has been a lot of debate about whether vinegar is a good alternative. In these discussions, there have been plenty of warnings about the perceived risks of using vinegar outdoors. Assessments by RIVM, EFSA and ECHA showed that using vinegar with a maximum 10% acetic acid was not expected to pose risks to people and the planet.
Burg Group asked Wageningen Environmental Sciences to study whether any gaps still remained in these assessments concerning the protection of useful insects and the soil. These experts confirm that there are no objections to the use of natural vinegar (source: Memo environmental risks of natural vinegar on paving, Wageningen Environmental Research, 2020).
Natural vinegar is a natural product that can safely be used, and which quickly biodegrades after use. It is thus a welcome addition to the manual control of weeds and green deposits.